Thursday, December 31, 2009

Time Passages

Listening to Al Stewart's popular lyrics of the 1970's, "Drifting into time passages as years go falling in the fading light", reminded me of how fast "time' really does go by. It was just 10 years ago today when much of the free world contemplated the range of potential Y2K disasters. It doesn't seem that long ago.

We're living in exciting and challenging times and we must not lose sight of our focus. I've always believed in setting goals and recently came across this Twitter poll by Jack Hollingsworth with 40 inspiring contributions from fellow photographers. If you are serious about improving your craft as a photographer, I think you might find this survey motivating.

Tonight as New Year's Eve approaches, there will be a full blue moon, which is quite rare. The last time was back in 1990 and the next one won't come again until 2028. Just a reminder there is no time like the present!

I wish everyone a happy and successful 2010 NEW YEAR and a special thanks to all who have supported and encouraged me throughout the past!!

I am now on Twitter and can be found at

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Photographing People in Public Places

As a long haul trucker for many years I have enjoyed the wonderful opportunity in meeting and photographing many people along my travels. I have been asked several times if I ever ask permission before taking street portraits and the answer is sometimes.

It really depends on the feeling I get with each individual. Obviously asking some stranger if they mind if you take their picture will affect the outcome of their expression but I usually talk with the person for a while in a friendly way before asking them, camera in hand. There are times of course, I would have missed a good candid shot had I stopped to ask if they objected.

In my opinion, it's how you carry yourself and your camera that allows your subjects to feel comfortable, or not. I've heard you convey your self image through your lens to your subject and it is this reflected image you receive back on a subconscious level from your subject.

I carry model releases with me and have only used them on occasion. I hand out printed 4x6 calling cards folded in half with varied images including my contact info and where they can view their images in the following week. I show them the in camera image and always tell them how wonderful their picture came out and if they are interested I will happily email them a copy in full resolution. I follow up with all requests.

My favorite work and what I enjoy the most is photographing the landscape of America, particularly the American West, but I will always enjoy the challenge of shooting strangers and learning something new from all those I photograph. Shoot a stranger, make a friend!

An interesting article by Qiana Mestrich titled "Photography Empathy: How you feel is what you get" about how photographers are like mirrors can be read at Black Star.

"As I progressed further with my project, it became obvious that it was really unimportant where I chose to photograph. The particular place simply provided an excuse to produce work... you can only see what you are ready to see - what mirrors your mind at that particular time." ~George Tice

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Inaugural printed issue of "disco underworld"

Congratulations to editor Stacey Childs, for her inaugural printed issue "The Gold Edition" of disco underworld!

Earlier this year I was contacted by Stacey to submit images and a short article which was subsequently published in her digital monthly online zine issue 3.

I am also excited to learn I have been selected from her talented group of artists and photographers to be included in her first printed publication, Gold Edition!

I would  encourage all photographers who are reading this post to consider contacting Stacey with their work for future publications. Below is a recent excerpt from her website calling for submissions.

THE VISION: Each month we will set a theme, it will be displayed in the pretty banner, and all through that month everybody is invited to share articles, pictures, photos, how-to’s, reviews, movies, music… everything…
Then once there is enough content and demand, a print issue will be published, with the most popular posts included. These will be decided by the number of comments on the post, along with a couple of wildcards.
If we use something you sent in (and wrote, this doesn’t count if we interview you) in the print issue, we pay you $30 NZ via Paypal. ~Stacey Childs
So get involved and email stacey @ to contribute something or to find out more visit her at